Australasian Archaeological Geomatics
Working Group

3D Imaging

This bibliography is quite likely very incomplete. If you are aware of additions that should be made to it, we kindly request you reach us at our contact page.

The bibliography is organised first, by year of publication, then author last name. This has been done to facilitate the addition of future publications to the list.

Australian Bibliography


Larsen, B.P., S.J. Holdaway, P.C. Fanning, T. Mackrell and J.I. Shiner (in press) Shape as an outcome of formation history: Terrestrial Laser Scanning of shell mounds from far north Queensland, Australia. Quaternary International.


Clarkson, C. and P. Hiscock 2011 Estimating original flake mass from 3D scans of platform area. Journal of Archaeological Science. 38(5):1062-1068. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2010.12.001.

Lin, Sam C.H., M.J. Douglass, S.J. Holdaway and B. Floyd 2010 The application of 3D laser scanning technology to the assessment of ordinal and mechanical cortex quantification in lithic analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science 37(4):694–702.


Clarkson, C., L. Vinicius and M. Lahr 2006 Quantifying Flake Scar Patterning on Cores Using 3D Recording Techniques. Journal of Archaeological Science. 33(1):132-142. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2005.07.007.

El-Hakim, S.F., J. Fryer and M. Picard 2004 Modeling and visualization of Aboriginal rock art in the Baiame cave. Proceedings of ISPRS XXth Congress. Istanbul, Turkey. July 12-23 2004. pp. 990-995.


Ogleby, C. and L.J. Rivett, 1985 Handbook of Heritage Photogrammetry. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.

Rivett, L.J. 1979 The application of photogrammetry to the recording of rock art and archaeological sites in the Kakadu National Park in Report to Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. Canberra.