Australasian Archaeological Geomatics
Working Group

Spatial Modelling

This bibliography is quite likely incomplete. If you are aware of additions that should be made to it, we kindly request you reach us at our contact page.

The bibliography is organised first, by year of publication, then author last name. This has been done to facilitate the addition of future publications to the list.

Australian Bibliography


Clarkson, C. and A. Bellas 2014 Mapping stone: using GIS spatial modelling to predict lithic source zones. Journal of Archaeological Science 46:324-333.

Cochrane, G.W.G., T. Doelman, S. Greenwood and J. Reeves 2013 Where are stone artefacts found? Testing Hall’s predictive model of artefact density in the south-east Australian highlands. Archaeology in Oceania 48:92-100.


Canning, S. 2005 ‘BELIEF’ in the past: Dempster-Shafer theory, GIS and archaeological predictive modelling. Australian Archaeology 60:6-15.

Dortch, C.E. 2002 Modelling past Aboriginal hunter-gatherer socio-economic and territorial organisation in Western Australia's lower southwest. Archaeology in Oceania 37:1-21.

Dortch, C.E. and M.V. Smith 2001 Grand hypotheses: Palaeodemographic modelling in Western Australia's south-west. Archaeology in Oceania 36:34-45.

Ridges, M. 2006 Scale and its effects on understanding regional behavioral systems: An Australian case study.

Ridges, M. 2003 Numerous indications. The archaeology of regional hunter-gatherer behaviour in northwest central Queensland, Australia, unpublished thesis. University of New England.

Rowland, M. and M. Connolly 2002 Towards GIS mapping and spatial modelling of archaeological sites in the southeast Queensland bioregion. Queensland Archaeological Research 13:39-62.